Healthcare reform is not a new issue for America or the rest the world. In America the first push started with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1912. Wagner Bill, National Health Act of 1939 was one of the first on a long list to get rejected in the next 98 years to come.  Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon all tried to push for health care reform in America; all failed. Now Obama is pushing again and we have to wait and see if he will be the first to make a change or just another name on a list a failure.

According to WHO sources and, of 33 developed countries 32 have universal healthcare. The lone exception being the United states. Starting from 1912 to 1995 all thirty two countries have switched their healthcare system except for us yet we end up paying more than them. Obama is now pushing again for a healthcare reform in America. He is trying to budge stubborn Republican into signing a knew healthcare bill and it has been a very heated issue and debate.  Into todays political world we see 3 other main solutions being argued to make the necessary changes in healthcare;  Healthcare should be a right, Extending our current system, and maximizing free market competition.