According to a recent Gallup  poll, %64 of Americans believe that all people should have healthcare provided by the government. Countries all around the world have a better and more affordable healthcare system, because it is provided as a right through the government. The U.S. pays more, for a lesser result in comparison to other countries healthcare plans. “Education is a right, and we provide it to all, regardless of differences in need,” says an editorial in the New York Times. “In the same way, nobody would be ‘unisurable’ if we acknowledged health care for all as public responsibility.” For some people, they have to choose between eating or paying healthcare it gets so expensive.  There are many things that the government can do to make things a lot better. One is provide healthcare to everyone as a right, under one insurance plan that covers all Americans so that there is no one taking advantage over anyone. One other good thing of the government running the healthcare is that they can regulate prices of drugs.

         I believe this is the best way to fix Healthcare in America. This way the government takes care of all the regulation of things, everyone gets healthcare, and prices go down per individual. One problem that a lot of people are concerned about is that this will send taxes skyrocketing through the roof. This is true that taxes will rise, but probably not a lot all at once and it will be worth it in the end. This will also make for a more efficient system than the one we have now. The current system is all about individual gain by other people’s needs. Big healthcare and insurance companies take advantage of people who are poor and sick. With this new system, the government will make sure that no one is left behind or taken advantage of. A lot of people call this a socialist way of running healthcare, but even if it is remotely close to it, it will make things a lot better for the hardworking citizens of America.